Posts Tagged ‘ press conference ’

Tiger Woods’ Apology

So… I watched the statement live just a few minutes ago and I have to agree with a lot of people that I  could tell it was very well rehearsed.  What I don’t agree with is people saying that he didn’t mean it at all. I happen to think that even though it was written out and rehearsed, he still meant every word. I’m sure he truly is sorry for what he did to his family.

I also disagree with those saying that they feel like he should have answered a lot of questions. He said it himself – that is not our business. That is for him to discuss with his wife. He may be a public figure but he does not need to explain everything in detail to us.

I want to believe what he said was sincere and I hope he actually lives what he said. Only time will tell! Below is a portion of what he said: